Choose a disaster recovery strategy for SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2013
Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Foundation 2010
Topic Last Modified: 2014-09-13
Summary: Understand the disaster recovery options and supported technologies for recovering a SharePoint 2013 farm if there is a disaster.
We define disaster recovery as the ability to recover from a situation in which the primary data center that hosts a SharePoint 2013 farm is unable to continue to operate. Regardless of the nature of event and its cause, the data center outage is significant enough to set into motion the actions defined in your organization's disaster recovery plan. This means putting a fully operational farm into production using computer resources that are located in a data center that is not affected by the event.
In this article:
SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or SQL Server 2012 provide configuration and content recovery options that can meet the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that are required for your business if there is a disaster. For more information about these and other disaster recovery concepts, see High availability and disaster recovery concepts in SharePoint 2013.
Supported high availability and disaster recovery options for SharePoint databases (SharePoint 2013)
SharePoint 2013
Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Foundation 2013
Topic Last Modified: 2014-04-10
Summary: Learn about supported high availability and disaster recovery options for each SharePoint 2013 system and service application database.
This article describes the supported high availability and disaster recovery options for SharePoint 2013 databases. For detailed information about these databases, such as size and supported backup and recovery tools, see Database types and descriptions (SharePoint 2013). You can also view or download a model (Databases that support SharePoint 2013) of these databases on the Technical diagrams for SharePoint 2013 page.
In this article:
The scope of this article is the supported high availability and disaster recovery solutions for each SharePoint 2013 system and service application database. These solutions address the database level, instead of the database instance or database server level and include the following: database mirroring, database availability groups, and log shipping.
When you evaluate a high availability or a disaster recovery option for SharePoint, you must understand that not all of the options are supported by each SharePoint database. This is because of design requirements and feature characteristics.
This article identifies the supported option for each SharePoint database. These databases are grouped by SKU and then by feature.