- http://www.sharepointdevwiki.com/display/sp2010/Building+a+SharePoint+2010+Development+machine
- http://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/2010/05/tips-for-building-sharepoint-2010-base.html
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jorman/archive/2010/01/01/setting-up-laptop-for-sharepoint-2010-and-sharepoint-2007.aspx
- http://blog.incworx.com/blog/john-petrutis-incworx-consulting-blog/0/0/planning-on-running-a-sharepoint-2010-virtual-machine-on-your-laptop
- http://thepointyheads.com/2009/09/sharepoint-2010-a-quest-for-a-development-environment/
Sunday, October 10, 2010
SharePoint 2010 Development VM
Thursday, October 7, 2010
SharePoint 2010 - Architecture
SharePoint Foundation
SMS Service
Moss 2007: 2core /3Ghz, 2G ram
Server 2010: 4 core / 2.5ghz, 8G ram
Web Servers
- Included with Windows server
- features include
- list
- document library
- blogs
- wiki
- alerts
- interface with Workflow Foundation
- accessible through object model, api, and web services
- offers additional collaboration capabilities
- better aggregation of content
- SharePoint Foundation is installed with SharePoint Server 2010
- Standard
- social
- search
- content management
- Enterprise
- business intelligence
- line o business integration
- reporting
- Provide full scale enterprise search to SharePoint Foundations
- free from Microsoft
- add content sources
- file shares
- other sharepoint sites
- web sites
- exchange public folders
- cannot be configured for high availability
- requires 64-bit
- server 2009 SP2 or 2008 R2
- cannot be installed on
- Server Core
- Web Edition
- needs to be included as a member of an Active Directory Domain
- does not support local accounts for farm deployment
- let the SharePoint install wizard install and configure additional software and services
- for development purpose can be instaleed on 64-bit editions
- Vists SP1
- business
- enterprise
- ultimate
- Windows 7
- professional
- enterprise
- ultimate
- requires 64-bit
- SQL 2005 SP1
- SQL 2008 SP1
- SQL 2008 R2
- smtp server need to allow anonymous relay from SharePoint
- cannot be configured to autenicate
- route email to list or library
- install and configure smtp service
- configure to accept email for a domain for example sharepoint.test.com
- configure MX record for domain in DNS
- from Central Admin, enable incomeing email and specify domain
SMS Service
- send alerts to sms
- scope at farm or web application level
- need to provide URL to SMS sending service
Moss 2007: 2core /3Ghz, 2G ram
Server 2010: 4 core / 2.5ghz, 8G ram
Web Servers
- refered to a web front end (wfe)
- responsible for rendering the page
- normally not too high of cpu load
- do use substancial amount of ram for caching and processing
- Query server - responding to search requests
- large index requires cpu and memory
- requires local optimize storage for teh query file
- Index Server - also referred to a crawl server
- does not store any information locally, so no storage requirements
- additional cpu capacity for large environments
- the main bottleneck in sharepoint farms is sql performance
- 8G min and 16G to 32G
- disk configuration is important for performance
- store mdf and ldf on different disk. log file optimized for write
- optimize as follows
- tempdb
- search db
- content db
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
SharePoint 2010 - Service Applications
Service Application represent the evolution of the SSP.
- all service applications are seperate
- all service application can be turned on and off
- all service applications have unique user access permissions. central administration is security trimmed; users only see what they have access to
SharePoint 2010 - Upgrade
There are two methods to upgrade from SP2007:
- In-place
- database attach
- read-only content dabase can be rendered during upgrade
- sp2010 can redirect to sp2007 farm until upgrade completes
- visual upgrade allows site upgraded to sp2010 to use look and feel of sp2007
SharePoint 2010 Installation
- must be installed on 64-bit operating system.
- must be installed on Windows 2008 SP2 or R2, or later
- requires 64-bit version of SQL 2005 SP2 or 2008, or later
- reprequisite installer will download and install all required software, configure IIS and other components
- requires a farm passwphrase; needed to add or remove server from farm. Also used for encryption between farm members.
- AD Group Policy Objects can be used to block installation
- stsadm -o preupgradecheck; interrogates sp2007 content databases and alerts of potential roadblocks
- server
- amount of content
- search configuration
- features
- solutions
- site definitions
- alternate access mappings
- langage packs
- large lists
- orphaned data
- view and content types that use CAML
- database with modified schemas
- the check is read-only; makes no changes to any database
- powershell cmdlet test-SPContentDatabase
Monday, October 4, 2010
Delete Files Older Than X Days Recursely
- Save as vbs - deletefiles.vbs
- to use pass in number folder and number of days
' Pass the arguments
Set objFSO = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
path = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
' folder to start search in... You can just use static
'path = "C:\Temp\test"
' delete files older than 2 days...
mDays = Wscript.Arguments.Item(1)
killdate = date() - mDays
arFiles = Array()
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
' Don't do the delete while you still are looping through a
' file collection returned from the File System Object (FSO).
' The collection may get mixed up.
' Create an array of the file objects to avoid this.
SelectFiles path, killdate, arFiles, true
nDeleted = 0
for n = 0 to ubound(arFiles)
' Files deleted via FSO methods do *NOT* go to the recycle bin!!!
on error resume next 'in case of 'in use' files...
arFiles(n).delete true
if err.number <> 0 then
wscript.echo "Unable to delete: " & arFiles(n).path
nDeleted = nDeleted + 1
'start 20100630 schneiderbi
wscript.echo arFiles(n).path
'end 20100630 schneiderbi
end if
on error goto 0
'msgbox nDeleted & " of " & ubound(arFiles)+1 _
' & " eligible files were deleted"
sub SelectFiles(sPath,vKillDate,arFilesToKill,bIncludeSubFolders)
on error resume next
'select files to delete and add to array...
set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath)
set files = folder.files
for each file in files
' uses error trapping around access to the
' Date property just to be safe
dtlastmodified = null
on error resume Next
dtlastmodified = file.datelastmodified
on error goto 0
if not isnull(dtlastmodified) Then
if dtlastmodified < vKillDate then
count = ubound(arFilesToKill) + 1
redim preserve arFilesToKill(count)
set arFilesToKill(count) = file
end if
end if
if bIncludeSubFolders then
for each fldr in folder.subfolders
SelectFiles fldr.path,vKillDate,arFilesToKill,true
end if
end sub
MOSS 2007 - Policy for Web application Script
This is DOS script
REM Grant AD group full Control to each sharepoint web application listed in file wal.txt
REM 20101003
set ADgroupName=""
set url=""
rem this is for single web application
rem stsadm -o addpermissionpolicy -url %url% -userlogin %%ADgroupName%% -permissionlevel "Full Control"
FOR /F %%G IN (wal.txt) DO stsadm -o addpermissionpolicy -url %%G -userlogin %%ADgroupName%% -permissionlevel "Full Control"
REM Grant AD group full Control to each sharepoint web application listed in file wal.txt
REM 20101003
set ADgroupName=""
set url=""
rem this is for single web application
rem stsadm -o addpermissionpolicy -url %url% -userlogin %%ADgroupName%% -permissionlevel "Full Control"
FOR /F %%G IN (wal.txt) DO stsadm -o addpermissionpolicy -url %%G -userlogin %%ADgroupName%% -permissionlevel "Full Control"